First Carving Pumpkins and the Pumpkin walk with the family
(I Love this holiday)
We were able to dress up for work it was so fun!
Halloween Night
Plus we went to our first Mystery Dinner put on by our great friends which was very fun
And last but definitely not least
The Happiest place on earth where dreams come true!!
Thats right we took a much needed vacation to Disneyland with the family last week and had a wonderful time. It was so fun watching all the kids and seeing how much they enjoyed it(by "kids" I mean daves mom)every ride was totally awesome or so cool and even went as far as mind blowing... I think my favorite ride was toy story and for Dave hands down Pirates which we only rode like 100 times. All around we had a great time. Thanks everyone for coming and for planning it. We love you guys!

ps these arent all the pic of our trip but I dont have time nor room to but them on so Ill get a slideshow on here shortly (kimi if you need any of them just let me know and I will email them to you cause I know how many pic you took haha)