Sunday, May 31, 2009
Bee's and Birthday's

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day

Monday, May 18, 2009
Ogden Marathon
We decided it is something we will make a tradition out of and try to get more of the family to participate with us next year (well see how well that goes over).
Markelle and I with our Huge icecream cones, haha they were even smaller in real life.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
WICKED Health Days on top of Mothers Day!
Us waiting for it to start
Then this weekend was Smithfields Health Day and according to Daves dad it is a holiday worth celebrating so that's just what we did. We actually me, Sid (my brother), and Val (friend from work) started the day off with the 10k. Then we were off to the parade,then the fair where I had a delightful shaved ice and ended the night with the baseball game and a lion pup. It such a fun weekend, and we ended by celebrating Mothers Day with Daves mom. We are so grateful for the wonderful mothers that we have both are so fun and are willing to do anything for their kids we love them so much. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! Val and I (sid was in front of us so he missed out in the pictures)
Taya walking in the parade
Us at the baseball game
Eating our lion pups