Everyone loves fall the colors, the smells, the clothes, the weather, everything.... Including me and I really enjoy dressing up, so this week was great we went to the pumpkin walk with some of my family and then this weekend we went to a Halloween party with some friends. Dave was a little hesitant but with a little coxing he dressed up and went along with the fun. I can only hope this is just the start of whats to come, right Dave?;)
Last weekend all the guys from my side of the family took a trip to San Fransisco for a football game as Nates last big trip before he leave on his mission. Their trip started off a little rocky when they realized they had forgot the tickets that were in Logan! So they had to turn around and add 3 hours to the 11 hour drive. Other than that I think they had a good time (I only know what Dave tells me) what I do know is he spent a lot of money so, Im sure they had a good time.