It was a really fun weekend even thought they didnt bring home the trophy.
Just a side note this story is to funny to forget so Im going to write it down... When we were at the mall my dad was walking and not looking where he was going and ran into a poll (he walks really fast so he hit really hard) he was wearing a hat that fell off and it knocked him back a little but the worst thing is that it split his head right above his eye. He said he felt so stupid so he grabbed his hat and tried to walk away as fast as he could and that is when he felt something running down his face.. blood. So he ran in the bathroom and cleaned up before he saw any of us and tried to play off his cut as nothing but later the truth came out and the next day it was even worse cause it was bruised. We told him just to tell everyone he got into it with another drill team mom. haha Love ya Dad! We have all had those moments and its just nice that we can laugh at them and share them with each other.