Then on Sunday Valentines Day (aka) Ash birthday! We had my brother and sister over for dinner and a little b-day celebration, which included a lot of games some better than others like... rabbit, ninja, and duck-duck-goose. I dont think the grown ups enjoyed it much but the kids LOVED it, but we all got some good laughs out of it. Either way we had a good time and made some even better memories.
Also to honor this month: Our top 10 loves..
1. The gospel
2. Running or at least the results
3.Spending time with friends and/or family
4.Bed time and playing footies
5.A clean house and car. Clean anything for that matter
6. Reading
7. Eating out
8. decorating
9. Summer time
10. I saved the best for last...My bestfriend, my better half, my husband!!!
1. I will start out with the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world! My gorgeous wife Alisha
2. The gospel
3. My loving family. (on both sides)
4. KOKO!
5. Playing Golf
6. Any activity on a lake.
7. Watching a good game on tv
8. Camping
9. Going to Bee's baseball games
10. The feeling when i finish my last final every semester.