Thursday, May 24, 2012

26.2 because 26.3 would be crazy!

I ran the Ogden Marathon for the second time. I beat my previous time by 6 minutes without really trying, which I am very happy about, but now knowing that I would like to do even better next time (saying there is a next time:)). I really enjoyed it this time for the most part anyway and am so grateful I got to run it with my dad. He is one of the best running partners a girl could ask for. He knows how to motivate you and PUSH you when you need it. I hope someday I can be as awesome as he is! And a huge shout out to the rest of my family that ran a ways with us as well. I really love looking forward to meeting up with people and having someone to pick you up along the way. Because running really does bring you to your highest highs and lowest lows!
Time: 4.21

Just Run. People ask why I run.
I say "if you have to ask, you will never understand."
 It is something only those select few know. Those who
put themselves through pain,
but deep down know how good it feels.

Highest High

Lowest Low
We didnt get a pictures of me and dad crossing the finish
because we were just flying by:)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

We have been loving this warm weather and spending our time with friends and family!! Bring on summer.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

MY day

"You know your life has changed when...
going to the grocery store
by yourself
is a vacation." 

In the very short time I have been a parent I have decided being a parents means:
Sometimes giving up what you want for what your child needs. And being happy to do it.

Sometimes it may be something you really want like sleep, a date night, a girls night, a new outfit, a run,a nap, or something that's not as important like having a shower for the day, waiting 5minutes to use the bathroom, watching a tv show, or sharing your food. Either way you do it and never hold a grudge.

I am so lucky to be a mother to the best little boy in the whole wide world. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for entrusting me with him. I feel his love for the both of us daily as I am trying to raise him and teach him what he needs to know for his mission here. I just hope Parx continues to be patient with me as I am still learning.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What a little Baller!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Smithfield Health days

The annual race, parade, BBQ, and quality family time.