1. My WONDERFUL husband he is the best thing that have Ever happened to me.
2. Our families they are so fun to be around and so supportive of us.
3. The gosple I dont know where I would be with out it.
4. My health I hope I can say that in a few months when the sick kids hit us at work.
5. Shoes, Clothes, Food, Shelter, Sleep, Movies, T.V., Internet,My job, My friends, Vacations and many other things...
So anyway this year we spent Thanksgiving with my family in Vernal, we had a very fun but busy holiday. We started off Wednesday night seeing Twilight with all the girls, then the boys had the famous turkey bowl on Thursday morning

Friday woke up early (thanks to Jett) so we got a jump start on the day concerting we had two baby showers one for my cousin Jill and then after one for my sister-in-law Michelle

And ended that night with a big family poker game.

we did have fun, didn't we!
do you have any more pictures from the weekend? my camera died so i dont have many. can you email me some?!?!
Cute Pictures!!! I love your hair way blonde!
Hey Alisha!!!
Looks like you guys had a great holiday!!! you guys are such a fun family!! hey do you guys do your turkey bowl at the measer elementry??? THATS WHERE WE GO!!!! Great minds think alike!!!! Love ya
Wow! Sounds like you had a fun and busy Thanksgiving! Did you have any time to sleep? Ha ha!! Glad you had a good Turkey Day!!
Cute pics. Looks like you guys had fun. Now I want to see those family pictures...did you change your colors? ;)
Wow! That was one packed weekend! It sounds like you had fun though! Hey, we need to get together over Christmas break. We will be in Vernal the first part and Logan the second part. We should do lunch.
Hey Alisha. Sounds like you had a great weekend but I am still wondering when you may stop by and say hi your out here all the time and I never see ya maybe one day(jk). I hope everything is going well for you guys take care and Happy Holidays if I don't talk to you before then. love ya laci
Hey, I am glad I found you! Just wanted to say hi and that I added you to my blog!
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