So last Thursday me and a couple of friends from work headed up the mountain to refresh our mad boarding skills or should I say lack there of... either way we had a great time hanging out and visiting. By our last run we were actually feeling pretty good about our skills ;) but had to call it quits because we couldn't handle one more ride up the lift in the freezing cold wind. Either way we had a Blast and might try it again sometime.

Next I got to head down to Provo for the weekend to watch my AWESOME little sisters drill team state competition which they won, that's right your looking at the 3A State Champions! Whoot Whoot!! I am so proud of her she is a wonderful dancer and worked so hard to get where she is, she put in so many hours and sacrificed so many things so its awesome to see the pay off she gets. I love you Megan your such a Great girl!!

Plus I have to give a shout out to the DDY (Drill Dad of the year) yes my Dad got nominated the drill dad of the year for yelling and clapping the loudest, given it was award by the moms that were just sitting around us but I will 2nd that nominee he even split the skin on his hands from clapping his hands so hard and loud. He is very supportive of all of his kids and takes pride in everything we do, (both my parents do they are Wonderful) I love you guys!! Again Congrats Meg! Go UTES.

Then on Sunday when I got home we headed over to Sid (bro) and Michelle's (sis-in-law) to watch the Super Bowl we had a good time relaxing, eating, sleeping, (just me)
oh yeah and watching the game. But really lets be honest the best part of the day was the hour long episode of the office after the game. I know Sid and Michelle would have rather spent super bowl Sunday in the hospital having the baby but she held out till Tue. morning around 5 when she final had baby Brock but either way we had a good time hanging out and Congrats on the not so little guy (8 lbs 15.4oz) he is a doll!!

The cute Baby Brock..

The Office was fabulous wasn't it?
but little Brock is SO much more fabulous!!!
I can't wait to see more pictures!
Ok, so your blog must not like my blog because this isn't the first time it didn't show that you had updated on my blog list. WEIRD!! Looks like you had a very eventful weekend, do you have any party genes left to hang out with us? :) Maybe Friday or Saturday??
Go U'ettes! WHOOP WHOOP! haha I wish I could have gone, I hear they looked amazing! Oh well. And I'm jealous you got to go boarding, I need to go so I can get better, I got a board 2 years ago and I've only used it once..lame I know, so if you ever need someone to go with give me a ring a ding ding! And yes I agree we need to get together sometime! Give us a call when you guys have a free night!
It looks like you guys are having tons of fun... I wish I could of came and watched the drill team... I guess next year! Brock is so cute! I think he looks like sid so far! Hopefully we get to see you guys sometime soon!!
Alisha, beaver was way fun I just want to let you know that I hope to be as good of a snowborder as you someday, I mean no one can do back flips and tail grabs like you can!Don't worry next time we wont be so rusty and we can really show off!
I had to steel your pic of the girls dancing! Thanks!!!
First of all... GO UTES! Our drill team is awesome. Looks like you have been busy and having fun. Your new nephew is super cute.
Hey it was good to see ya last weekend. hopefully we will see ya again soon when we come up to see brock. were look so good in every picture. Brock is soo cute...I am already getting baby hungry!!
Hey March isn't that far away!!
Thanks! Looks like things have been busy for you guys! But good! Your nephew is really cute! That is awesome for your sister! I want to see their dances! Hope all is going well!
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