We left on Friday and traveled for 14 hours (with the time difference) it was such a long day. But we finally made it to the Garden Island...
Saturday we got up, went shopping and headed to the beach to do some snorkeling where we literally ran into a sea turtle (Dave kicked him) so we swam with the turtle awhile before heading in and over the coral where we got all cut up, everyone of us got out of the water bleeding. Good thing it was a turtle we saw and not a shark.
Breakfast at Joe's on the Green
The view out our condo
The boys boogie boarding Dave+Alisha
Thanks mom for the implants;)
Me and Jodi
The girls
Sunday was church then we went to Kipu fall which is a really neat waterfall that you can jump off in to a little waterhole, it also has a rope swing that you can swing off. That night we went to the Hyatt Luau where they had lots of good food and awesome dances that ended with the man of fire...
Getting ready to jump
Dave jumping
On the rope swing
The parents swimming.. check out that tree
Dad on the swing
Walking to the waterhole
Before we jumped
After we jumped, this place was awesome.
At the luau
The view in the Hyatt, Awesome!
Some of the dance
The man of fire
The dancers after the show
Monday we set off into the ocean on a catamaran boat ride with Holo Holo Charters where we saw dolphins, sea turtles and fish. It was such pretty scenery up along the Na Pali Coast. It was really fun except for the part that I got sick and threw up(this is when I realized I will never go on a Cruise) Although I won't ever go on a boat ride again it was a good one time thing. After the boat ride we headed up to Waimea Canyon which is a lot like the Grand Canyon and is not green like the rest of the Island. Then we went to the beach and waited for the sunset we played in the big ocean waves and got a little more than we bargained for (at least Dad and Jesse did).
On the boat watching the dolphins
Na Pail Coast
The guys
The gals
Na Pali Cost
Wiamea Canyon
They have beautiful sunsets over there...
Playing in the waves
Warming up to the water
Getting closer
This big Kauna
Dave and Jesse
Tuesday we went to another beach did some more snorkeling and then headed to zip lining in the forest it was so green and pretty from all the rain they get over there every night.
Suring the waves
Zip lining
Dave crossing the bridge (our guides told us 1 out of 100 people cross the bridge without hands, I dont know that I believe them the guys did it) Ps how do you know when your tour guide is lying to you ... his lips are moving!
Dave coming in..
Dave and Kyle
The Big Kahuna
Check out the view not me.
Walking to another line
All of us
Climbing King Kong
Wednesday the weather wasn't the best, so our kayaking trip was canceled so we did a little sight seeing we went to Wailua Falls and met the Coconut man. Then went and toured one of the old plantation it was a really big pretty old home that they have now turned into shops and a restaurant.
Our resort
Wailua Falls
Us and our Coconuts
A little friend that was Everywhere.
The plantation tour
The very shy plant
Everytime you touched it, it would close up
Thursday the weather again was crappy so we just took it easy hung out at the beach did some snorkeling and went to Spouting horn its where the lava rock meets the ocean and the water has washed away some holes to were it just shoots out now.
More snorkeling (they were following a sea turtle)
Spouting Horn
Friday we took a slow boat ride up Waimea river up to the fern grotto, did a little more shopping and headed to the air port to come back home:(
Us on the boat ride The entertiment
The path to the fern
At the fern
Singing the "Wedding Song"
Dave, Me, Jodi and Jesse
The wishing tree
Making our wishes
Banna tree
This cat has lived at the Fern Gotto for 17 years through all the storms and everything
We had a WONDERFUL time. Thanks Mom and Dad Merk we are so greatful for you guys and cant wait to go back!
P.S. this is how you get the weather in Kauai.
Wow it is gorgeous there!!! Great photos. I want to run off to Hawaii now!
and ummmm it's just not fair how tiny you and Jodi are!!
Holy cow! Can you say jealous!
Holy pictures!!! They are all so cute. It looks like you guys had so much fun!!! Can't wait until it is our turn.
It looks like you had so fun trip. I am jealouse, I hope to make it there some day.
You Lucky Girl! I bet you are so sad you missed the work party for that...NOT :)
After you said you'd been to Hawaii on facebook, i thought if better check your blog. Holy cow!! How fun is that! Looks like you guys did a great variety of fun stuff. And how funny cause nate's parents are using their Marriott time in Hawaii this December and me and Nate might go. To kaui too! Well part there and part on the big island. How about you be my trainer when we get back so I can look as cute as you do in all your little swim suits!? I'm pretty serious though. I am really sick of baby wait and need someone to push me. I'm even considering running, so you know how desperate I must be. :)
anyways, super fun. That's cool you guys got to go. Nothings better than Hawaii!
Oh my gosh! that looks like so much FUN! Way cute pics of all of you. I can't wait for my turn (although I am kinda glad now I didn't get to go with you or Jodi I can't imagine sportin' a swimsuit with either of you!!!) Hey BTW why didn't you tell me about Dad and Jesse ending up on the topless beach and seeing that hot girl without her top on ;) Sounded like quite the story!!!
I wanna hear this topless story too!
love - love - love this! I say we sell mom and dad's house while they are gone and use the money to buy a place over there!
haha i had to laugh when you said you guys got cut up by the reef cause that exact thing happend to us when we went haha. looks like you guys had SO much fun! Love all the pics, you all look so cute!
Gotta love Hawaii! Looks like such a fun trip and plus you look hot in your cute swim suits!
that is awesome! isn't it beautiful? well I guess I've only been to Oahu but I am sure they don't look that different...I am glad you guys had fun, and I kinda hate you for looking so damn hot in a bathing suit:) you are gorgeous!
btw, didn't it feel like "the others" were going to pop out at any moment? (you know from the tv series 'Lost')
Soooo Much Fun! I'm glad you guys got to go on that trip! Can't wait for the day when we get to do that! And oh... We miss you guys! We really need to hang out! :)
You STINK!!! I am so jealous! That looks like a dream vacation! Live it up for me sis!
wow!! Alisha I'm so proud of your post! Great work on posting all the great pictures! It looks like you had such a great time. I want/need to go back!! We miss you guys lots. There just aren't a Dave and Alisha here. On numerous occasions we've said why can't we just meet a dave and alisha!! :(
What a fun trip! Looks like you guys had a great time!
WOW how fun! Don't you love it there? We stayed at the Hyatt for our honeymoon. . . is that where you went to the Luau cause we went to that one too! Pretty fun. You are rockin that bikini, what good motivation for me! :) You guys did a ton of fun stuff, looks incredible. Now I'm dying to go back, thanks a lot!
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