I just want to thank you for helping Alisha tonight understand what I am going through. She just couldn't see that in my very small, unimportant, some days very boring world everything around me was crashing down and the only thing I could control is my urge to poop on the carpet, so thats what I did (a lot)! I was trying to get through to her and Dave but they just werent listen to my crys. But you did, you understand, you put yourself in my shoes (paws) and I thank you for that. You truly are a dog whisper and a good one at that. I feel that things are going to improve from now on and maybe we can get back on the right track because now I understand, I get it. So again Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love and miss you very much. Please come and visit me as soon as you can I would appreciate it very much so.
With all the love from my little body, yours truly;
p.s. would you mind telling them that I dont appreciate the new tactic they have come up with of the citrus water its quite annoying (but working a little to well). Also I need a hair cut what do you think I should do with mine? Your so good at styling tips, well honestly your good at everything.
Haha, although I don't know the back story, I think this is very funny!
awwww poor Koko!
i love that poochie... you guys better be taking good care of her!!
I am glad that someone else has poop issues with their dog:) Haha. We don't have quite as many now but we once did and it was not fun.
I giggled to myself when I read this. We have poop issues at our house too but we don't have a dog.
Oh little Koko, we came to visit you today but your mom was not home. You need to come play with us more!!!
If i ever need a pick-me-up,
it's YOU. You absolutely crack me up and you know my sense of humor!!
Your blog from KoKo to Kimmi was so funny,everytime I look at Koko picture I just start to laugh and I need that. Your compassion towards animals must come from me but I do have to say cleaning up dog messes is NOT fun. Anyway KoKo looks SO cute. I can't wait to come up over Spring Break, Megan asked if Aubrie could come and I said of course. Dad is coming up Sat.- Mon. and will be there for Easter. Are you getting excited for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, I'm sure your are, you're in training. I just want to tell you how proud I am of you for the excerise and training you're doing for the marathon, I can't imagine what that would be like( but I want you to now I'll be there cheering you on). I Love You Ali and want you to know how Thankful I am to have you in my life and
Tall you do for me and our family. Take Care of Dave and little KoKo. I Love You, Mom
I wish my pooch would stay out of the garbage! we had a serious falling out yesterday...
So let's start out by saying how great it is that I harass you on a consistant basis to post on your blog then I don't see this for 13 days!!! shoot.
Again, thank you for recognizing my gifts and most impressive abilities! What a blessing to share with the world!
How funny...cute little koko. This totally explains why tramp had an accident there now, I couldn't for the life of me figure it out because he never does that but now it makes sense.
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