Who doesnt love being woke up at 2am to a skininin' skunk that has fallen into your window wale freaking out trying to climb its way back out? I know I dont!!
Last night I woke up to Dave telling me we need to get out of our room cause a skunk is in the window and if we scare him he might spray and it might come into our room. I jumped out of bed grabbed my pillow still not really sure of what was going on and ran upstairs. We called the cops cause who else were we going to call at this time and they said they would get animal control out to get him as soon as they could. but that still didnt help us sleep any better since we couldnt go back into our own room. later that morning animal control showed up to get him with the cops and everything. It was kinda funny cause we had the neighbor all wondering what was going on. It didnt take long before we had the neighborhood kids over to find out what happened along with a few of the adults. They tried to bate him into a bucket first and when that didnt work they had to put him to sleep.
So let this be a warning to any other furry creatures that fall into my window scaring me out of my wonderful sleep. I won't put up with it and will call the authorities and Im out for blood!
Oh my-- What a story... Lucky he didn't spray! Looks like you guys have been busy! Way to go on the Marathon. We always say this, but we need to get together with the old crew. I am going to work something up. Now that it is summer, we have no excuses!
Oh my word, that's so funny! Bu not in the moment I'm sure. It's very good he didn't spray cause I'm thinking your house would have been pretty nasty for days!
Well you guys better call us when your adventures slow down, and hopefully we won't be gone! Who says summers are slow and relaxing?
i love this so much! would have loved even more to see you frantically running up the stairs in fear!
Want to hear something crazy? I have always wanted a skunk for a pet (a de-scented one of course). I hear they are really sweet!
So next time this happens you don't have to call animal control, just catch it for me to keep as a pet.
But de-scent it first, k?
This story is crazy. I would be freaking out if a skunk was in my window.... YUCK
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