June 20. found out were expecting
Aug 8. Against my will told the family
Aug 23. First Dr appt. First time seeing the little peanut:)
Aug 28. Missed the TOU half ( I was super bumbed about it.)
Sept 22. Felt the little one (13 1/2 weeks) ps hasnt stopped moving since!
*Side note pregnancy has not been what I expected. It kinda rocked my world. I wasnt prepared for the nausea, vomiting, being EXTREMELY tired, mood swings (personally I didnt think they were so bad I just wanted to inflect pain to others, thats normal right?), taking a break from running/working out all together thanks to the lack of energy.
Second Trimester:
Oct 3 16 weeks hello honeymoon phase. Feeling somewhat like myself again.
Oct 21 found out baby Webb is a..... BOY!!! Everything looks good he is growing and is right on track with his due date:)
Nov 14. Daddy felt you move for the first time
I knew he was a boy I have had 3 different dreams, and had found some very cute girl clothes, and bedding. But I love having a boy to start the family.
*Side note the sec tri really has been so much better. I got some energy back but I still have days where I just have no energy. Was able to get back on the treadmill which helped me feel a little more like myself. It also helped with the mood swings. My hips have been poping out of place which hurts. I get heartburn and am in the between phase of is she preg or just fat.
He kept his face covered the whole time so we didnt get a good profile picture. Dont worry Ill break that habit fast, cause I like taking pictures:)
We are so excited about this baby and just cant wait to meet him.
Oh yay!
Boys are so fun.
Hurray for baby boys! I have to agree, pregnancy isn't the best when you're so sick the first tri! Glad things are starting to get back to being good though! I'm so excited for my little girl to have a little boyfriend to play with! :)
congrats!! yea for boys!
I'm glad you are feeling slightly better! I agree....starting out with a boy is awesome. All other kiddos will have a big bro to protect them! Besides...they are super funny. Hopefully, you'll get to be one of those lucky mamas that can work out throughout pregnancy. It helps a lot if you can do it....I'm still waiting for my go-ahead to work out again. Hopefully SOON!
Can't wait to see pics of this cute little man. I'm sure he's going to be a knockout!
I am so excited for you guys! A little boy will be so fun. I think Old Navy has super cute things for little boys. Glad you are feeling better.
We are so thrilled for you guys! Danny wanted to me to give dave a shout out and say that hes glad his soldiers are doing their job! So happy your feeling better, it makes it easier to enjoy being pregnant :) xoxo
A boy!! That is so great!! I'm so excited for you two!! You guys will be the funnest parents!! Love you Alicia!! Oh, and sweetie, you could never in a million years, even pregnant, ever look fat!!
There is nothing like pregnancy and the whole baby process. Its amazing! so you are due around March?
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