At first we would start out in the same bed but half way through the night he would end up leaving. So now he just starts out in a different bed. So the other night Dave brought me home a "surprise", you want to know what it was... A Cpap machine!?!?! For those of you that dont know what that is, it's a machine that people with sleep apnea, weight issues, snore, and other issues use. I couldnt believe it but I told him I would give it a shot so... I did and wow did it suck! I felt like I was going scuba diving or something. I was claustrophobic. Any time my mouth would open the air would come rushing out sounding horrible. I had to work at breathing! Dont get me wrong I LOVE sleeping with my husband but if it means wearing this Ill give it up for the next month and half.
So needless to say I couldnt hack it. But luckily I found something that works, Dave wears ear plugs and I wear breathright strips! I love them and I love having my husband back.
Ahahaha! I'm still laughing about this! :) Mostly because I snored when I was pregnant with Cache. I haven't started this time around but I know how it is. And I think it's hilarious that Dave brought the C-pap home. You sure are a sport for trying that out. And I'm glad that you were able to find another solution. :) Good luck in this last little stretch. :)
these pics made me burst out laughing!!
i had the same problem but i didnt believe lance when he told me so one night he stayed up until i fell asleep and recorded me on his phone so he had proof. oh well, lance said to tell dave way to go, he wishes we had an extra bedroom to sleep in too:)
oh my gosh, that is hilarious. I am so glad you guys found a solution! Brent's dad wears one of those machines and hated it at first but now he can't sleep without it!
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