35 weeks!!
We are to the final count down. I know 5 weeks is nothing compared to how long your pregnant but I'll tell you the last few weeks have felt like months! I feel like I have hit the wall so to speak, I'm ready to be done. Don't get me wrong I know he need the last few weeks and that's fine, but when he does come well be ready (or at least as much as we can be) Maybe it has something to do with Dave saying how excited he is to have his little buddy here to watch tv with every night or the fact that he thinks my bladder it a kicking bag or a squeeze toy?!?! Everyone(my mom, ash, and michelle)keeps telling me to not get my hopes up and not plan on him coming early and I'm NOT, I'm just saying when he wants to come it's fine by me.
We are to the final count down. I know 5 weeks is nothing compared to how long your pregnant but I'll tell you the last few weeks have felt like months! I feel like I have hit the wall so to speak, I'm ready to be done. Don't get me wrong I know he need the last few weeks and that's fine, but when he does come well be ready (or at least as much as we can be) Maybe it has something to do with Dave saying how excited he is to have his little buddy here to watch tv with every night or the fact that he thinks my bladder it a kicking bag or a squeeze toy?!?! Everyone(my mom, ash, and michelle)keeps telling me to not get my hopes up and not plan on him coming early and I'm NOT, I'm just saying when he wants to come it's fine by me.
On another note for Valentines we kept it pretty low key this year because it was my turn and I dont feel like doing much right now. But we wanted to celebrate our love since I am married to an Awesome guy:)So we went to lunch at Quiznos (daves pick) and the show. We did give each other some small gifts and just enjoyed the time together, because we know we don't have much of that left.

You are so cute!! You are tiny. I can't believe you only have five weeks left. Sorry you are at the point that it sucks. You are getting so close though:)
uh, you are teeny tiny. be grateful:) and just plan on going over due, so you don't get too antsy in your pantsy.
i'm ready to meet the little man!!!
Your cute!! I am SO sick of being pregnant too! Your baby room looks cute! My only advice is sleep when your baby sleeps :) Good Luck!
You are sooo adorable!! 5 weeks will come fast. Can't wait to see pics of him!
You look so cute! I wish I looked that good pregnant. Hang in there..it's all worth it!
The count down is on! You still look great. The nursery is absolutely adorable! Good job.
Elissa keeps trying to look at your blog and leave comments but cant so she asked me to give you her email address so you can add her. It is elissadrake@gmail.com
thanks for the invite! I'm glad Veronica helped me out! you look so good! how exciting you only have a couple weeks left!! congrats! and good luck!
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