So when Dave got home from work we ate dinner and talked. He told me to pray about it and maybe take a bath. So thats just what I did and in the bath I just had a feeling this little boy was ready to come and my fears were calmed right away. So we packed up and headed in to the hospital around 9. I was afraid we would get there and they would send us home but they didn't. It was a slow night and I think our nurse was happy to have something to. It took about an hour to get us all settled in and when she finally checked me I was still a 4 but thinned out more. There were only 2 other girls on the floor with us (which one ended up being our good friends the Buttars) and the other was in labor so they said after she was done that Dr could just come in and break my water. So around 12:00 that happened and they started pit. At 12:30 I got a drug through my IV which was a big mistake it made me SO sick, the room started spinning, I was hot and flushed, and I couldnt stop puking. So after about 2 hours of that I got checked again and was a 5 and 90%. I got my epidural and tried to relax for a little while at this point. Then around 3ish I got checked again and was a 7. At 5 checked again and was "complete". So at this point they have you try to rest and relax while the baby drops. Which didn't happen, this was the longest hour of the whole process. At 6 they came in and got the room ready for delivery and had me start pushing, after two pushes the nurse said "Ok so I want you to push but just not so hard, I don't want to delivery this baby" I couldn't help but think how am I going to push without pushing him out. So we did that 2 more times and the Dr walked in, again 2 more pushes and he was out.
It was the most amazing feeling to one have him out and the "pressure" to be gone but more than anything it was looking at this beautiful little baby and know he was ours! Dave went with him to clean up and things and I just watched my boys thinking wow I love them both so much!! They let Dave carry him to me and just cuddle him for a few minutes.
He came out crying and kept that up for almost an hour, but once I feed him he was as content as could be and has been since (I know it might not last, so Im enjoying while I can) He lets us know when he is hungry or needs something but other wise he just lets us love on him.
We already feel so blessed by this new little spirit and are so grateful that the Lord has trusted us with him and the joy he brings to our family!
I wish i was close so I could come cuddle him! So cute!!
Alright little miss skinny.... Your amazing in oh so many ways, make that yet another one :) see you soon, -Les
He's beautiful! You look great! and enjoy this new spirit. There is nothing in the world like having a new born in your home!
I'm so glad he is here...I just love him already, so mad I got sick...I can't wait to come cuddle him again :) Okay A: that's just sick you looked that good in your coming home pic... B: It made me cry to see him in that little outfit of linc's and C: Could he be any cuter?!?!? I love the pic of you and Laci (weren't you just the social little butterfly at the hospital?) who is the other girl?
LOOOVVVEEE the pictures! I'm so happy for you guys and can't get over the fact that Laci was there with you! Can't wait to see you. Congrats again and again. He's precious!
he's perfect! You loook beautiful. I'm so glad he's here safe and sound. You are going to love this boy more and more everday. xoxo
SO cute!! I am still sad I wasn't able to come visit in the hospital but I was glad to see him for just a sec today. Can't wait until I can come cuddle with him!! Brock is still saying "baby" today.
congrats! what a cute little guy. and I love the name!
So precious and cute!!! I just want my little guy here now! Enjoy him they grow way way too fast!
Congrats! I am so happy for you guys! He is gorgeous and you look awesome for just having a baby!
What a cute little guy!!! I can't wait to see him in person.
congrats!! what a cutie! hope your enjoying being a mom! good luck with everything!
Congrats you guys! He is adorable!
How exciting. Congratulations. You look amazing for just having a baby. Enjoy that sweet little spirit in your home. :)
what a perfect little guy..and NO one will ever mistake him for a girl because he is ALL boy lol. We are happy everyone is healthy and happy. and seriously alisha, you look great sister.
Oh Leesh! He's beautiful. So. Dang. Cute. I wish I could come see you guys. I loved hearing the whole story... I could feel my heart pounding as I starting thinking that's gonna be us in just a few months! It made me super excited though. Congrats to you two. I'll call you soon. Sure love ya!
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