In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e!
I would have to agree with this 100 percent. Our families spend a lot of time together which means we are always there through the good, the bad, and the ugly and yet we still love each other very much.
I would have to agree with this 100 percent. Our families spend a lot of time together which means we are always there through the good, the bad, and the ugly and yet we still love each other very much.
These first pictures were taken when my mom was in town. I just love the first one of Parx. He is smiling a lot more now and its just the cutest thing ever!
Then this last weekend we headed down to SLC because it was Grandma Bev's 80th birthday and to celebrate the whole family got together at Chuck-a-Rama. (her choice) it was really fun to see everyone and to be together to celebrate her wonderful 80 years. She is such a great Grandma and we are so blessed to have her. We also got to stop by Bryan's to visit and let them met Parx.

What a cutie! I love your grandma's Tiara:)
Parx has the sweestest smile!
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