I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights. ~Terri Guillemets
This is true for my Mother, Mother-in-law and Grandmothers they have taught me so much and are such great examples of the Mother I hope to become someday.
In the last couple of months I have already learned a lot about being a mother and not saying what I will and won't do as a parent. Because as soon as I do contradict myself and do the opposite.
Dave gave me my first and probably best mothers day card ever. Along with a dress and very good dinner. Thanks Dave.

This is true for my Mother, Mother-in-law and Grandmothers they have taught me so much and are such great examples of the Mother I hope to become someday.
In the last couple of months I have already learned a lot about being a mother and not saying what I will and won't do as a parent. Because as soon as I do contradict myself and do the opposite.
Dave gave me my first and probably best mothers day card ever. Along with a dress and very good dinner. Thanks Dave.

You look so pretty in that first picture! Glad that you had a good 1st mother's day!! The only advice I could give being a mom thus far is watch what you say, even if its not bad... they repeat everything!! LOL!
I am glad that your first mothers day was awesome:)
That pic of Parx smiling is so cute!!! Happy Mothers Day!
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