Seriously I can't believe how fast this past year went by. There were days that seemed to go on forever and I didn't think we would survive but we did. Well if we could just figure out nap schedule we would be awesome and things really couldn't get better.

- You have rhythm
- You get into EVERYTHING
- Love the fridge and the drawer under the stove, you store things in there
- You are such a good eater, we haven't found anything you wont eat. Last night we went out to dinner and you wanted the onion rings so we let you try them and you LOVED them?!?!?
- Standing on your own, you have only taken one step once. Crawling is so much faster for you.
- You fight mom with your naps, its like you know you can get away with it. But with Dad its all business. Your out in 5 min. This is really getting to mom! Not funny Kid!!!
- Your favorite toy is your golf clubs. You always have at least one at all time.
- You have the CUTEST laugh
- You fake laugh and cough now and think its hilarious
- Still love baths and will go to it multiple times a day and try to climb in
- You crawl on your feet now instead of your knees. Im sure you ll be walking soon enough
- Mom and Dad love when you will cuddle on our laps and watch a cartoon or whatever for a min with us.
- You know how to turn the tv on
- You push the main button on our iPhones, then you use your pointer finger and drag it on the screen
19 pounds 8 oz- 10%
28 1/2 inches tall- 10%
Head 18 inches- 40%
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