arrow is where my shin hit)
So this story actually happened a few months ago but everyone I tell it to just loves it and its something I always want to remember (why I'm not really sure). So anyway the story goes... It was Thursday which is my day off from work and Dave and I were looking in to buying a new car so I was out test driving some and found one we both liked so Dave came down to meet me to do the paper work which everyone knows takes forever and I had my visiting teachers coming over later that night so we were trying to hurry. Well as you can guess it was almost time for me to meet with them and we weren't even close to being done so I told Dave I would run home meet with them and then come back to sign the final papers.
I got all the way home and realized I didn't have keys to get in the house because we had taken all of our other keys off the old car key ring . So I had a choice either stand up my girls or break in my house. Any of you that know me know it wasn't a hard choice, break in. I knew the upstairs bedroom window was open. So all I had to do was get up to it. Well it took me all of 5 min to think of how to do that. (I should tell you now we are lucky enough to have a carport right in front of our building) anyway I backed my car out just enough to climb on it then pull myself up to the carport. My plan was to jump the gap between the carport and our little roof that covers our front door land perfectly and just pop of the screen and get in... well again as you can guess that DIDN'T happen. Instead what did was I got on the carport and looked at the "little" gap and started to second guess myself. I stood there thinking of what could go wrong like falling and breaking an arm or leg and what I would do if that happen I thought you know I work at a Dr. office and they could help me.
So as I'm standing there thinking about it I noticed all the cars driving by just staring at me. I can only imagine what they were thinking. Anyway back to the story, so I'm on the roof thinking my grand plan through when a neighbor boy walks out of his house and gives ma a crazy look, so I ask him if he thinks I can make the jump, he walked over and kinda eyed the distance between the carport and roof and tells me "I don't know its kinda far but why not try." So I tell me to stay there in case he has to call 911 if I fall.
I took a few steps back, ran and jumped. Well about this time is when I realized this was such a STUPID plan! I hadn't factored in that our carport is made out of tin and not very strong so when I pushed off my foot broke through and caused me to not get enough air to make it all the way across. I hit the roof at about mid waste and started to slide down the roof. Just like on the movies my fingers started to dig into the roof trying to get a grip. This is when I heard the gentleman watching me yell "holy **** are you okay?" as he is running over to catch me. He grabs my butt to stop me. I tell him I'm fine just push me back up so I can get into the window(at this point I just wanted to shoot myself, I felt SOOO embarrassed). Again this is the part when I realized I was only about 5 feet off the ground and I could have prevented this whole thing if I would have just asked the kid to boost me up when he walked out of his house. But that's beside the point so I got the window open and fell inside just in time the hear the girls that live next to and across from me talking saying "I know I was watching her out the window and just as I opened the door to yell at her she jumped!" I was so embarrassed.
I closed the window and went to check out the damage in the mirror, I had cut my cheek and chin when I hit the shingles and both were bleeding just as I was licking my wounds the door bell rang. My visiting teachers. I went down answered the door, didn't say a word about why I was bleeding and just had my lesson.
After they left I went back to the car dealer ship to meet Dave he took one look at me and just broke out in laughter( I had called him and told him what happened already). I told him to shut it and just went on about my bussiness signed the papers went home to bed and woke up the next day feeling like I had been hit by a bus.
It was a HUGE lesson I learned. To think things through before you act/jump. Now when I have kids and they do stupid things I will know what they were thinking and have no room to talk. Lesson Learned!
Oh Alisha that is like my fav. story of yours!!!!! I laugh everytime I even start to imagine seeing it. Its the best....
Alisha I love you. That is an awesome story. It takes me back to high school. We were all pretty dumb. I am so glad you found me! I just started my blog like two days ago so it still sucks. I am working on it though. It is funny that you left your message now cause I just got home from the mall where your huge picture is up. TJ and I love it. We were like holy crap is that Alisha. Well anyways it will be fun to catch up. Love ya- Vern
first of all I am rolling laughing...that is the best story and the fact that you did it makes it even more funny. Totally sounds like something you would do! Oh what I wouldn't do to see that in person.
second of all I didn't know you had a gotta let a girl know these things! I am excited to get a glimpse into your life because we have drifted so much. love you
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