Fall is for sure in full swing the leaves are changing the weather is changing and I'm absolutely Loving it. Fall is my Favorite season of the year just like it is for many others out there. I love the weather, the smells, the colors and all the holidays coming up. So I have started to celebrate it to the full extent and my brother says I'm dragging Dave along for the ride and he feels sorry for him. But as you will see in pictures Dave is not the only one he was blessed enough to share in the joy this weekend:) love ya Sid. And a warning for all you out there if you cross paths with me in the next few months there is a big chance you will get to share in the joy also just ask the girls I work with (they have been laughing at me and how excited I have been for Halloween and the fact that we get to dress up for work).
Making haunted gingerbread houses
Making haunted gingerbread houses

Don't worry. You are not the only one who loves fall. I love love love it! I love it here in Denver, becuase fall seems to be longer than it is in Utah. I love it! I am totally going to steal your haunted gingerbread house idea. I have never seen those. They are awesome.
I'm right there with ya on the fall thing. Those Haunted Houses turned out way cute by the way!
Ok, so I guess we might have to work out an agreement thing on what photos you will be allowed to post of me!! I realize I am quite possibly the most UN-photogenic person alive...but still, it is not fair to be in pictures with you!!
On the other hand, all your fall activities make me more excited for all the rest we have left to do. I'm right there with you...at least Dave and Nate will be drug along together!
It looks like I am going to copy everyone else because I love fall too!! Those gingerbread houses are so awesome. I did not know that there was anything out there like them. Anyways, we would love to hang out sometime. I am glad you guys are out here.
Ali and Dave,
Well, aren't you the little susie homemaker [see Dave she told you that in a year she would be able to cook and now look at her she is making halloween gingerbread houses...WOW I'm impressed Ali}. You are just a FUN person. Yes, fall is such a beautiful time of year. I love it too. Ali, do the girls at work know how many boxes of Halloween clothing you have at my house?????
Yes, you do love to dress-up,always have always will. Well,
I am looking forward to spending time with you and Dave in St.George,it's time for a vacation don't you think? Well, thanks for starting up this blogs, it's a FUN
way for me to stay in touch with my children and see and read all the fun things their doing in their lives. Take Care and I'll see you soon. I Love You, Mom
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