On Friday night one of the funniest guys was good enough to come to little old Logan and make us laugh our butts off. (Oh how I wish this was really true, how great would it be if you could really laugh your butt off. If you could really lose weight by laughing it would make everyone happy and healthier its a win, win. If only!) Anyway.. We were able to go see Brian Regan and have a great time maybe not enough to lose our butts but make our faces sore from laughing.

His action and facial expression make him even funnier!

You would think that Dave would look a little more excited to be there cause of how much he likes this guy.

We would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a good laugh. Unless your my sister-in-law Michelle:)
soooo jealous! I love him. glad you had fun and was able to gets tickets. Last time he was in SLC, tickets went fast.
I also love Dane Cook. but he is not as clean as Brian:)
TAKE Luck Alisha!!!!!
Im also a fan :) miss you guys!
I guess I am a loser because I don't think he is funny. I just don't think any of that is funny. Anyways... I'm glad we hung out this weekend. Oh yea... my mom wants to check out your blog. Her e-mail is lclamborn@yahoo.com
We love Brivolbn7Q! We went to see him for TJ's Birthday in August. He was at Thanksgiving Point. We should have gone again though. He is way funny.
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