Well this last week was a busy one we did a lot of driving and spent a lot of time with family. Because it was Dave's spring break he wanted to head down to St. George spend some time with his brother and relax. So that's just what we did, but before we got to that we first stopped in Orem to support my little bro in being ordained an Elder which is so Awesome Im so proud and happy for him! And then headed to Vernal to my Uncle's funeral which wasn't so awesome but its always nice to spend time with the family and at a time like this you really remember what is important. I am so grateful for the family I have and the love and support we give to each other. My cousins are almost as close as actual siblings which made it a lot harder to watch them lose their dad but made me so glad I could be there for them when they needed us most. We love you guys!
After this we were really ready for some rest and relaxation so on to sunny St. George we went. We didnt do a whole lot down there but that is just what Dave wanted.. we went to the pool, took some walks, watched some baseball games,hung out with some friends and family,and did a little shopping, oh and how can I forget.. ate and ate(I feel like thats all I did). All in all we had a good time. And now we really cant wait for some warmer weather and summer,I tried to bring it home with me. But its coming I promise its just in the southern part of the state!!
The family after Nates thing
After this we were really ready for some rest and relaxation so on to sunny St. George we went. We didnt do a whole lot down there but that is just what Dave wanted.. we went to the pool, took some walks, watched some baseball games,hung out with some friends and family,and did a little shopping, oh and how can I forget.. ate and ate(I feel like thats all I did). All in all we had a good time. And now we really cant wait for some warmer weather and summer,I tried to bring it home with me. But its coming I promise its just in the southern part of the state!!
The family after Nates thing

The Reynold's

The girl cousins (minus jodi, they had to go home)

Haha look how cute Jeff is

Jeff, Meg, Gma Bev and Dad

Everyone from Vernal knows of this place.. I didnt know there is one in St. George
Dave. Alisha
Hey, I helped Mom set up a new google account so you'll have to send her an invite to your blog. Her e-mail is julieamerkley@gmail.com I have her pass so I can just get on and add you to her blog. [you know she might not figure it out:)] Looks like you had fun in Sunny St. George! I may still some of your pics from this weekend and add them to my post I didn't have my camera!
wow looks like you have been busy having fun! I'm jealous you go to spend a week in the sun..i'm so ready for summer. is that christensens owned by the same people who owned it in vernal? I'm so sorry to hear about Tim, but it looks like everyone is doing ok..we need to get together and SOON!
OH SHUT UP>>>> warm weather!!!!!!! I would seriously kill for some sun. I am jelous. Hey It was s ofun seeing you guys in v-town. Lets hang soon. we might be going to a dredg concert sometime in April. Well give you guys a call :) love ya
I'm glad you had fun in St George. I am really jealous!!! I will be even more jealous if you went to In and Out!!!
I was so sad to hear about Tim, it honestly broke my heart. Hopefully your family is doing okay. I admire everyone's strength.
That was fun you got to go to St. George! Gotta love those spring breaks! You guys are a cute couple!
Looks like you had tons of fun... THanks again for coming out here, we really appreciated all the support. Hopefully we can make it to Logan soon and do something fun!
I am glad you had fun but there will be NO more week long away from work vacations for YOU!!! Unless I get to come
Hey Ali,
Hi Honey, look at this , I got right on your blog. Thanks for adding me. Who knows maybe I'll become the expert blogger after all!!! I love looking at your pictures and hearing about your fun spring break. Warm weather --wouldn't that be nice for a change? Although Logan is still colder than Vernal I believe. I'll
be looking forward to seeing you guys at Easter. Take Care I Love you, Mom
Girl you are so cute! I'm glad that you had a fun spring break... man I miss spring break! Sorry to hear about your Uncle, that is really sad.
You look great and I'm glad to be able to keep up with you! You've always been one of my favorites, Spencer even knows who you are cause I used to talk about you and work (oh Dillards) so much! :)
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