Were Pregnant!! Or so Dave thought.. On Wednesday when Dave got up he came into the bathroom to get in the shower and stumbled upon a positive pregnancy test. It took a min to set in and he had to double check the test a few times before he slowly set it down and walked over to me and asked if it was for real and how I felt about it. His only words were "well I guess it was meant to be" then he jumped in the shower (which was good cause I couldn't hold back my laughter much longer) It only took Dave about a 10 minute shower to figure out what was going on... when he got out he look at me and said "I know you, and I know what day it is, so you promise to me that you were the one that really took this test?" Busted!! I just started laughing and told him no. It took a few more minutes before Dave laughed at this.
For a lot of people this would have been enough for one day but I still had one trick up my sleeve. Later that night I replaced one of Dave's beloved Oreo cookies with one that was full of toothpaste so when he bit into it he got a refreshing taste of peppermint.. haha ok maybe it wasnt as refreshing as disgusting but boy was it funny to watch his face as he realized that it wasnt a normal Oreo. I love my husband so much and am so grateful that he is willing to put up with me and the ticks I pull on him.
that is hilarious!!!! the look on his face is priceless.
No April Fools pranks here...although i called my dad's cell and a stranger answered. He had left it at work. So when I called Aunt Lisa's to tell him he lost it, he wouldn't believe me! He thought I was April Foolsing him!
Alisha and Dave,
Hi guys, Dave, I just want you to know that I think you're a great SPORT,I was telling Terel about it and I said , she gets this from you and Terel said ---Oh no she is MUCH better. Your face is priceless and your answer was perfect. I know, I know, I think you're wonderful and perfect for my daughter and how can we not help but LOVE her, she brings FUN,EXCITMENT and JOY in all of our lives. Also, I want to wish you guys a HAPPY 2nd ANNIVERSARY, I can't believe that it's been two years. Alisha, you made such a beautiful bride and what a special day it was. Happy Wishes for many more years to come. Can't wait to see you over Easter. We'll be up in a week. Take Care, I Love you guys, Mom
HA! My pregnancy joke was foiled before it even started...I told Robbie later that I had it all planned, and the look on his face then was just as good! Oh, the jokes!
How Funny! You are quite the little jokester! Your post never show up that they are new, so my blog says you haven't posted anything for over a month. So I keep missing your blogs. Whats up with that?
Haha, I think it's almost more funny reading it than when you told it. Maybe just seeing Dave's face in the picture. That was fun the other night, even if the food was a little questionable and the waiter was a joke! :) Thanks for being such good friends!
Oh geez! I can't pull tricks on anyone, I either feel bad or I start laughing. I'm terrible at it! Those were both good ones though.
shut up alisha, you are good sister. I need some of your cleverness. Danny is going to laugh when he hears about this one. So yeah your pots never show up as new on mine either. lets get this fixed cuz I have been missin out!
Only you Alisha. That is hilarious! We need to hang out BTW.
Oh yes it is true about the blog... and I am excited. It will help us stay in touch for sure... oh, by the way... Happy Anniversary! I will always remember yours!
Love ya,
That is hilarious! I was actually going to do the same pregnancy test to beau, but totally spaced it! I think he would have actually been excited! Although if it were true, I would die!! YOu are a clever one!
haha you little dirtbag...he MUST be a good sport. I'm lucky to be married to one as well:)
That is hilarious! But question, how did you get a positive test? Did you buy it somewhere?
hi alisha
I Have you seen my tooth were you there when sid tried to pull it out he amost got it out.
love taya
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