We had a chance to tag along with our good friends Nate and Laci to Oahu and jumped at the chance. Dave and I haven't had a trip with just the two of us since before we got pregnant with Parx so it was very nice to spend some husband and wife time together. As much as we love that kid (more than words can say) and missed him more than I thought possible. It was kinda nice to do what we wanted when we wanted, to sleep late, not have to even wonder if it was our kid crying when we heard one, and to use the bathroom in peace (moms will understand).
We did quite a bit of touring and checking out the island, went to the temple, and my favorite layed on the beach drinking pina coladas.
While there Dave celebrated his 29th birthday and had the dream b-day for him... Being in Hawaii, and went golfing. I told him there was no better way to end his 20's and just know I can't top this birthday for a REALLY long time.
We went to Pearl Harbor which was amazing to say the least. The feeling there is like no other place, it's so reverent and ahing. To be in the exact place and hear those stories of history is just so humbling. I know by no means am I old, but to know those "Men" were 17 to early 20s just makes me think of them as kids. We are so blessed to live where we do and I am and always will be so grateful to those who serve this country. I read a quote while there and I have heard it before but there it is just so fitting. Never was so much owed by so many to so few- Winston Churchill. This was mine and Dave's favorite part of the trip. But honestly it's Hawaii you cant help but love it all.
But this trip couldn't have happened with out an AMAZING person... Grandma Julie. I can't say thank you enough times to her. I was a mess before we left worrying about him, sleeping, doing OK with out us, eating, just every little thing but after we left I never once had to worry about how Parx was doing. They had so much fun together so much that every time we would call he was to busy playing with his cousins to even talk to me more than a minute. She did so good with him that when it came time for her to leave they were both in tears which of course was bitter sweet. I'm so glad Parx loves her that much and had such a good time with her.
Also Nate and Laci for inviting us and putting up with us the whole week. We are so lucky to have such great friends and hope to do this more often.
Waikiki Beach |
Turtle bay |
Diamond Head |
These two were so cute, I couldn't believe they made it up this
hike. They were 80 and 89!! and didn't even have a camera
so I took this to email to a son.
I can only hope to be that awesome at their age, and to have a
good friend to do it with incase Dave isn't around;) |
Birthday Boy!!
Best Birthday ever. |
Waimea Falls |
Luau |
Pearl Harbor |
Punch bowl cemetery |
This was a vet from the Koren war we met. He was so sweet
and told us he was 22 when he was sent over and froze
because they hadn't sent and prepared
them with the right clothes. |