Saturday, November 30, 2013


This year Bryan and Lisa were sweet enough to have us down to their house and we had a great time. Wonderful food and a day of fun with the family.
Like most people I love the holidays and this time of year. I know we should always be grateful and remember what's important but sometimes we need an actual reminder and its nice to have that. To have that time when we either make a mental note or an real one of things we are blessed with and grateful to have.
 Once upon a time Thanksgiving wasn't just about giving thanks but a day of prayer also, which is ironic because that is one thing I am very grateful for. The chance to pray to Heavenly Father when ever, where ever I need about Anything! Along with all the other blessing I have my family, friends, health, the country we live in, the gospel and many many more.
Now bring on Christmas!!




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