Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentines Day

We had a good Valentines Day this year. I was able to spend the day with Parx having a playdate, making some treats and taking them to friends and neighbors, and then that night we had a nice dinner with Dave and exchanged gifts.
Then after Parx's bed time Dave and I had our own fun. I tried to do a fun "love hunt" for Dave and even though he didn't get it and ruined  the clues it was fun and ended where it was supposed to.
Then on Saturday my parents were in town and gave us the chance to go out of the house to dinner and really have some alone time. Happy Valentines to most important guy in my life. I love you Dave and am so lucky to be married to you!!

the woman came from the mans rib.
Not from his feet to be walked on.
Not from his head to be superior,
but from the side to be equal.
Under the arm to be protected.
And next to the heart to be loved.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

The first but I'm sure not the last

Last night I needed to run to the store so we packed up and pulled out of the drive way, and I thought I haven't gotten the mail today. I thought i'll just pull up and grab it so I don't have to step in the puddle and get wet. Well between the snow/slush I got stuck! So I had to step out into the puddle anyway and get the shovel out of the garage and dig out. While I was doing this (which wasn't 5 minutes) Parx was sitting in the car just being so good. But when I got back in I saw his eyes were running pretty bad and he kept putting his finger up his nose. Right then I knew what he had done! STUCK A PRETZEL UP  HIS NOSE. I pulled over and checked sure enough.... on each side there was a pretzel luckly I had twezzers in the car and was able to get one out,  but the other was really far up there. So instead of going to the store we had to make an after hours call to the office and go in to have it pulled out. By the time we got there it had gotten wet enough from the snot and slide down enough that between me and one of the nurses we got it and didnt have to have the Dr. come all the way in. I dont understand why so many kids do this but i'm grateful it wasn't any worse than it was. And am so grateful I know the right people that are so willing to help me out at 6 p.m. on a friday night.