Dear Parx,
Tonight after I had gone in to cover you up for one of the five times that I do a night. I told Dad how true it is that you don't know the level of love you are capable of until you have kids and just how much I love you, and miss you when you are sleeping. He said its because you're the cutest when you sleep. Haha. But really it is true you ARE the cutest kid especially when you are sleeping!
Man we love you so much! You have made this past year the best of our lives.
Love Mom and Dad
what a sweet little letter. they really do change your life don't they? it's awesome.
about oils. I use DoTERRA oils. They are the purest oils on the market today. They're Certified Pure Theraputic Grade oils. I've researched them out the bazooka cause I wanted to be able to use them on my kids and know that they were safe.
THEY ARE AWESOME. I rarely use tylenol or childrens motrin anymore. Or take medicine myself. And our doctor visits have totally decreased. If you'd like to attend a class on them, let me know. It's totally free, and there's so much information that I'd love for you to hear.
I know Jillian Reynolds was interested in them, she even told me she wanted to attend a class, but I've yet to hear anything back from her. Maybe yall could get together and work something out and do it together. Just let me know and I'll get you all the information you'll need!
I wished I lived closer, I'd send you with some samples to see how great they are. If you're seriously interested, I'll mail you some :) Let me know!
Just wanted to share these sites with you. Help you learn a little more!
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